enso Hydro GmbH, an Austrian investor in energy projects, has taken over 100% shares of Mor Elektrik, a company active in the field of electricity generation in Turkey. Mor Elektrik owns two hydropowerplants in the Blacksea Region, namely Mor II and Ağkolu HEPP, both being currently in operation. Mor II HEPP is located in Kurtun district in Gümüşhane province. The gross head of the power plant of 158,4 m and the nominal flow of 5,05 m³/s results in a total installed capacity of 6,83 MW. Agkolu HEPP is located on River Melet within the borders of Ordu province. The gross head and the nominal flow of the power plant are 46,1 m and 10,9 m3/s, respectively. With an installed capacity of 4,34 MW the expected average annual energy production of the plant amounts to 16,7 GWh.
Within the course of acquisition by enso Hydro GmbH, convex has acted as the investment consultant on behalf of enso Hydro GmbH.
enso Hydro GmbH, Austria
6,83 MW and 4,34 MW
enso Hydro GmbH